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2017/04/17 Press release of Air Force HQ to explain the report of “Senior Air-Force Cadet requesting the junior to mock the otaku behavior” (2017/April/17th)
2017/04/16 MND press release to interpret “Columns of the Chief Officer are for policy promotion instead of self-admiration”. (2017/April/16th)
2017/04/13 Air force command releases the press explaining the work of “artificial rain” implemented today (13th) (April 13th, 2017)
2017/04/13 National Defense Agency releases the press explaining the sublease of tenant “Gancheng Village I Reconstruction Base” in Taipei City (April 13th, 2017)
2017/04/13 MND Press Release to explain the incident of “People trespassing MND compound” (2017/April/13th)
2017/04/11 Air force command release the press explaining the work of “artificial rain” implemented today (11th) (April 11th, 2017)
2017/04/11 Air force command releases the press explaining “fire due to incautious construction of contractor in Chiayi Base” (April 11th, 2017)
2017/04/07 Press release of Navy HQ to interpret the detail of “Navy’s protection collaborating with Coast Guard during fishing time every year”
2017/04/03 Press release of Army 6th Regiment to explain the detail of “Suspected burglary in Nankang compound of 3rd Division of Logistic Command”
2017/04/02 Press release of Navy HQ to explain the detail of “Postponed life-extending project of submarine as US pausing the technique transition” and “Obstacle in project of self-made submarine as CSBC Corporation, Taiwan lacking of foreign cooperation”
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