::: 列印功能鍵 pointer
2024/03/29 The Ministry of National Defense issues a press release explaining reports of "media inquiries about the resignation of the Minister" (March 29, 2024)
2024/03/28 Draftees of the 2226th echelon for compulsory service bid farewell to the Chenggongliang New Recruit Center
2024/03/22 The Vice President visits troops stationed in the southern region Thanks are rendered to servicemen for their sacrifice in protecting the homeland
2024/03/22 The Armored 586 Brigade Takes the Combat Readiness Test to Enhance the Combat Response Capability of Troops
2024/03/21 The Ministry of National Defense issues a press release explaining "the joint combat readiness and patrols implemented by the CCP" (March 21, 2024)
2024/03/21 The Ministry of National Defense issues a press release explaining "the satellite launch on a carrier rocket by the CCP" (March 21, 2024)
2024/03/21 The Ministry of National Defense issues a press release stating that "troops from other countries are stationed in Taiwan"
2024/03/21 The Ministry of National Defense issues a press release about external concerns that "infiltration by enemy spies may affect the combat effectiveness of active and reserve service personnel"
2024/03/16 The Navy Midshipmen Cruising & Training Squadron at Keelung Port opens for visits from the public People enthusiastically participate in the event
2024/03/13 The Ministry of National Defense issues a press release explaining "the satellite launch on a carrier rocket by the CCP" (March 13, 2024)
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